Wireless Streaming

All the software is already set up on the Raspberry Pi 4’s SD Card. (SD Card image coming soon.) All you have to do is log in and start streaming. Make sure your laptop where you will be running OpenBCI GUI is on the same wifi network as the Raspberry Pi.

Connecting to the Raspberry Pi

  1. ssh to the Raspberry Pi (password is raspberry):

    $ ssh pi@raspberry-pi.local
  2. Change to the hackeeg-client-python directory:

    $ cd ~/src/hackeeg-client-python
  3. Activate the Python virtual environment:

    $ pipenv shell
    (hackeeg-client-python) $

Streaming Data

  1. To stream data from internal test signals, printing 2000 samples to the terminal– you will see the HackEEG blue board LED flash briefly before the data starts printing:

    $ hackeeg_stream --channel-test --sps 500 --samples 2000
  2. To stream data from internal test signals continuously and send via Lab Streaming Layer (LSL):

    $ hackeeg_stream --channel-test --sps 500 --continuous --lsl
  3. To stream data from internal test signals continuously and send via Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) without printing to the terminal:

    $ hackeeg_stream --channel-test --sps 500 --continuous --lsl --quiet
  4. To stream data continuously from electrode input at 500 samples per second (SPS) at 24x gain and send via Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) without printing to the terminal:

    $ hackeeg_stream --sps 500 --gain 24 --continuous --lsl --quiet


  1. To display the stream’s data, select Live (from Lab Streaming Layer) from the System Control Panel dialog. Leave the channel setting at 8 (the other two don’t work on this branch). Click Start Session.

  2. You should see some status messages in the console as OpenBCI GUI finds the stream and connects to it.

  3. Click Start Data Stream