.. include:: /substitutions.rst .. _bootable-sd-card: Creating a Bootable NuttX SD Card From Scratch ============================================== To create a bootable Micro SD card, here are the steps: #. Format the card with a FAT filesystem Under macOS, you can use Disk Utility. Under Linux, here are the commands (replace ``/dev/sdb`` with the path to your SD Card device: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo parted /dev/sdb --script -- mklabel JUPITERNANO $ sudo parted /dev/sdb --script -- mkpart primary fat32 1MiB 100% $ sudo mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sdb1 #. Copy the U-Boot binary and U-Boot environment files to the SD Card. Copy ``BOOT.BIN``, ``u-boot.bin`` and ``uboot.env`` from a working bootable NuttX SD Card. I'll post instructions for building them using the `Jupiter Nano Tools `_ later. ``BOOT.BIN`` is the `at91bootstrap `_ second stage bootloader. `U-Boot `_ is the third stage bootloader. The first stage is the internal ROMBOOT program stored on the SAMA5D27C chip. #. Copy the ``nuttx.bin`` binary to the SD Card .. code-block:: bash $ cp nuttx.bin /media/your_user_name/JUPITERNANO/ Now you can take the SD Card out of the reader, put it into the Jupiter Nano, and boot it.