Linux Quickstart

This quickstart guide is for using Jupiter Nano with Linux, and assumes you are familiar with Linux and Internet networking. If not, please see Linux on the Jupiter Nano.

Creating a Bootable Micro SD Card - Linux

Download this disk image and burn it to your Micro SD card using Balena Etcher.

Jupiter Nano Debian Linux image

Connecting to Jupiter Nano

Jupiter Nano has been tested on macOS and Linux. If you have problems, please contact the Jupiter Nano mailing list.

  1. Install the Micro SD Card.

  2. Plug in the Micro USB cable to the Jupiter Nano Console port.

  3. Start a serial terminal:
    $ picocom --imap lfcrlf -b 115200 /dev/ttyACM0

    (Or use whatever device your serial terminal is on your machine.)

  4. You should see the system booting (click the image to enlarge it):

    Jupiter Nano Linux initial boot screen

  5. Log in
    Login: debian
    Password: password

    You should see something like this:

    Jupiter Nano login screen

  6. Do something:
    $ ls -FA /

Networking Using Ethernet over USB

These instructions have only been tested on Linux. On macOS and Windows you will need to do something similar to what is in the script. If you get a script running for these platforms, please contribute it to the Jupiter Nano Tools repository via a pull request!

  1. Plug a Micro USB cable to the Jupiter Nano Native port (keep the Console cable plugged in)

  2. Using the Jupiter Nano console session, start the network:
    $ sudo /usr/bin/

    This will bring up the usb0 USB Ethernet Gadget interface, give it an IP number of, and set the default route to

  3. On your Linux workstation, set up the network there (replace wlp0s20f3 with the name of the network interface that you use to connect to the Internet):

    $ cd jupiter-nano-tools
    $ sudo ./scripts/ wlp0s20f3 usb0 on

    This brings up the usb0 USB Ethernet Gadget interface on your local machine, gives it the IP address of, and sets up routing to the Internet.

  4. Then you can do:
    $ ping
    $ ssh debian@
  5. On the Jupiter Nano console or ssh session, you should be able to do the following:
    $ ping
    $ ping
    $ ping